The Fab Flippin’ Furniture Contest – From Shabby To CHIC!

Hi everyone, I am so excited to tell you that I am taking part in a fantastic competition this month called “The Fab Flippin’ Furniture Contest” organised by a group of wonderful bloggers and this month hosted by Charlotte at Ciburbanity and Carrie from Thirty Eighth Street.

Not only you get to showcase your piece, your transformation and get opportunity to be featured on these blogs, you also get a prize! This month The Old Fashioned Milk Paint Company is the sponsor of the contest!

Old Fashioned Milk Paint

This competition runs monthly and each month there is a new theme.  This month’s theme is – Shabby Chic Storage! I love shabby chic items, so I thought it would be so easy.. but once I started thinking I had so many ideas and wasn’t sure which one to go with.. I decide to test myself a little and try to transform this old dressing table. This was definitely more shabby than chic.. Continue reading

DIY – Lace Painted Furniture

I have seen so many beautiful pieces of furniture done with lace painting and I really wanted to give it a go.  I think it gives such a beautiful and unique finish and is such a great way to dress a dated piece.

I didn’t have to wait too long as I got this set of drawers which was in need of some serious TLC and was desperate for a transformation.


It was an old set of drawers, it was very sturdy but it was damaged on the outside, the sides of it were chipped and it just looked so plain.   Continue reading