DIY – picture box frame keepsake for my sister

My little sister Sintija [Cynthia] always loved to dance, she joined the Riga Choreography School in Latvia when she was a young girl and was our little balerina!


I remember going to concerts at her school and feeling so proud of her. Continue reading

Mother’s Day gift idea – framed print

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Mother’s Day is a modern celebration originating in North America, honoring one’s own mother, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May.

With mother’s day approaching I thought it would be nice to maka a simple but nice present which can be given on Mother’s Day.  People often forget that it is not the material things in life that matter but simply spending time with each other and showing how much they mean to us. So I made this poster with a very lovely quote I found online and I framed it.

I created a poster in word, using the quote from the internet and playing around with various colours and fonts.  I really liked the idea of using nice spring colours – pink, yellow and orange so came up with this combination. Continue reading